Mr. and Miss Pride Winston-Salem 2018 at Village Inn And Conference Center on Sunday, September 2, 2018.

Doors open at 8pm. Pageant begins at 9pm. Admission is $10. Cash Bar Available. 

Contestant info:

Participants in the Mr. or Miss Pride Winston‐Salem (Pride WS) pageant must be a resident of
North Carolina, live within a 100‐mile radius of zip code 27101 – Winston‐Salem, and cannot
currently hold another “Pride” title without prior written consent from the President and Vice
President of the Pride Winston‐Salem Board.

Eligible contestants should identify with the LGBT+ community‐as this title will be won by someone who is a representative for the community.
Any entertainer who presents a male character on stage (biological male, pre or post‐op male
or male impersonator) may compete for the title of Mr. Pride Winston‐Salem.

Any entertainer who presents a female character on stage (biological female, pre‐or post‐op
female or female impersonator) may compete for the title of Miss Pride Winston‐Salem.

Entry Fee is now $50.  Entry fee is paid upon registration at which time all rules will be reviewed
with the contestant and a Pride Winston‐Salem representative.

Payment In Advance Has Ended. Please pay your fee at the door.

Get your packet here

2018 PAGEANT HANDBOOK-final copy